Linux and Git — The path to becoming a developer

Abbas Rangwala
2 min readSep 15, 2020


I have had a very basic knowledge of Linux, But with Crio.Do’s #IBelieveInDoing Challenge I learned the basics of Git and Linux which has kickstarted my journey to becoming a developer. I participated in the challenge and have brushed up my basics on Linux and Git.

Linux: It is a family of open-source Os. It was developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds.

In the Crio challenge, I learned the basic commands of Linux, which can be executed in Linux Terminal.

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pwd — command to print working directory, ls — command to list the contents of the present directory, cd — command to change directory. There are many different arguments that can be used with these commands.

Further, in the challenge, I learned the Linux directory structure and some additional commands used in Linux. In the module, we had interesting facts about Linux and also learned about shortcut keys used in Linux. In the end, we had insights about manipulating files and output redirection.

Git: Git is a distributed version control system for tracking changes in source code during software development.

For enabling Git we have to set up the environment and have an empty git repository and setup git client. In git, all the commands start with the git keyword. Some of the git commands are :

git status: It gets you the current status of the Git repository, git add: It can be used to add files to the next commit, git log: It can be used to view all our commits, git push: It is used in pushing the changes from the local repository to the remote repository, git pull: It is used in pulling the changes from the remote repository to the local repository.

Basic Workflow in Git

Conclusion platform was indeed to start my journey in becoming a developer. It had all the necessary basics of both the Linux and Git. Got insights into the importance of Linux and Git in software development. Looking forward to having more from Crio’s platform.

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